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Скачать Basic Point 1.6

Johny Deb

31 Мар 2021


  • NEW Give out points for new items, reviews and comments in other applications. e.g. Downloads, Gallery, Calendar and most 3rd party app.
  • Member group allowance to give out points automatically to selected member groups.
  • Mass modify member points tool to add or remove points from selected member groups.
  • Unlock topic feature to set which forums will require members use points to unlock and view topics.
  • Add points for voting in poll or for poll owners who receive votes.
  • Set points for club forums. Either individually or via the admin cp.
  • Member filter for points to support group promotions or bulk mail filters based on the number of points.
  • Admin tools to reset all members points or clear points logs.
  • Redeem points into a manually processed value with custom field support.
  • Integration with the Commerce application to redeem points into account credit.
  • Set per forum values for members giving and receiving reactions.
  • Set how many points new members get on signup.
  • Enable an auto reset for points.
  • Top points widget to display the members with the top points.
  • Customize the fixed point options given out for each post.
  • Change the name or prefix of points.
  • Set how many points new topics, replies are given in each forum.
  • Set how many points are given to the topic starter if someone replies to their topic in each forum.
  • Import points from other Points apps if they store their points in the forums database. (Confirmed working with ibEconomy.)
  • Points displayed in profile information of each members post.
  • Manually modify a members points count from their profile. Including a note stating the reason.
  • Profile tab that displays a list of that members points log.
  • Set group permissions for who can view and manage (add/remove) points.
  • Global points page to display all the recent points logs and actions.