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Скачать XenForo 1.5.11 Nulled


6 Апр 2016

Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.11. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.5.10. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability.

Notably, we have adjusted the exact procedure used for generating secure random data to adhere to current best practices. If your system does not have access to a modern and fully secure approach to generating random data, we will now warn you during installation/upgrades and display a message indicating this in the control panel. If possible, we recommend you using PHP 7 to take advantage of the new features for generating random numbers. Thanks to @rugk for bringing this to our attention.

Some of the changes in 1.5.11 include:
  • Workaround a Firefox bug where the Flash uploader shows as an opaque white box.
  • Support redirects in the image proxy and link title conversion process (while maintaining security).
  • Improve autolinking when there are special characters (brackets and similar) immediately after a URL.
  • Maintain ICC profiles when resizing with ImageMagick.
  • Add extra verification to quote alerts to ensure you only get an alert when the quote is attributed to you.
  • The "Facebook Open Graph Logo" style property is now simply "Open Graph Logo" to indicate that it's usage is more generic.
  • Fix an HTML error in editor dialogs.
  • Fix advanced background-repeat CSS being improperly converted to style property values.
  • Add multi-submission prevention to report commenting to prevent accidental double clicks.
  • Change the default user agent on outgoing HTTP requests to indicate XenForo and the triggering installation URL.
  • Adjust the HTTP response code on malformed proxy output requests to a general 400 error to indicate the client sent a bad request.
  • Ensure that when files are dragged into the rich text editor, they are uploaded one by one rather than simultaneously.
  • Ensure that leading whitespace is maintained when pasting preformatted text into the rich text editor.

Были изменены следующие шаблоны:
  • attachment_editor.css
  • editor_dialog_code
  • editor_dialog_image
  • editor_dialog_link
  • editor_dialog_media
  • report_view


  • XenForo 1.5.11 Nulled.zip
    5,8 MB · Просмотры: 18


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17 Июл 2016
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