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XF2.2 Default Styles (FREE) - No Template edits!

XF2.2 Default Styles (FREE) - No Template edits! 2.2.x

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This was just a default dark style thread. But i decided to give some other style colors a crack. I am sure i would have missed something i forgot to do with-in these styles! But these are FREE to download and use with Zero Template Edits.

Unfortunately i did have to add some tiny Extra.less Template codes. Just for post link colors, and Bookmarks search color text font. But these tiny codes are optional to use and are added in the zip file. They are probably recommend though!

When you download the XF2-2-Default-Styles.zip, you will receive all styles XML files, and a Text file with each Themes Extra.less code. Example: If you install the Dark Style XML, there will be a XF2.2 Dark style txt file with the matching styles code. If you wish to add the optional styles code, just copy and paste the code from the Text file and paste to your styles Extra.less Template.

I will release a few more style colors soon if these ones are actually OK! Enjoy.

P.S. All styles are for Xenforo Version 2.2.x. But, the old XF2.1 dark style is also in the .zip for download.
  • XF2-2-Black-Default.jpg
    70,4 KB · Просмотры: 28
  • XF2-2-Blue-Default.jpg
    69,4 KB · Просмотры: 29
  • XF2-2-Dark-Default.jpg
    67,5 KB · Просмотры: 24
  • XF2-2-Green-Default.jpg
    73,4 KB · Просмотры: 25
  • XF2-2-Grey-Default.jpg
    81,3 KB · Просмотры: 20
  • XF2-2-Teal-Default.jpg
    72 KB · Просмотры: 28
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