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Elegant Dark

Elegant Dark 2.1.6

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Elegant Dark is developed to professional structure, flexible and multipurpose forum theme with excellent responsive design for XenForo 2.1+.

Elegant Dark is a functional design with advanced personalization features. It is a user-friendly interface with fully customizable style features and ease of use without any code knowledge.

There are 15 different style groups created by us on the theme and hundreds of features in these style groups.

It's possible to create a look you're dreaming of with style features in just a few minutes.

As a general framework, we have completed our work by deciding on a user-friendly interface while creating the main framework of the theme.

"It is created with a more advanced framework than any other themes we have created so far."

You will see what you can do when you start using the theme. ? ...

General features
  • The style features can be selected as Wide and Boxed layout,
  • All background colors can be changed easily,
  • You can manage to style with many functions can be active or passive.
  • With the special background changer, you can easily change the background color and images of your website.
  • You can change the position of the user area as you wish and make your formatting for that field.
  • In a very simple way you can choose your logo as a Text logo or Picture. You can make your customizations easily.
    With different navigation positions, you can adjust the view as desired.
  • a) Default,
    b) Next to the logo,
    c) Under the logo
You can add font-awesome icons for the navigation area side by side or show them on the links. Everything is as easy as a click ?
  • If you wish, you can choose to use a larger area with the navigation area mause movement.
  • You can change the position of the search box according to your own usage format according to your header or navigation options.
  • With the Quick Touch feature, you can create a space for your users as you like. This style group is a completely customizable structure.
  • With Message Block area, you can create nice welcome message fields for your users. Again this feature is fully customizable.
  • You can also offer different views for your users who visit your website with 8 different cancas effects.
  • You can set breadth and height options to shape the breadcrumb field in any way you want.
  • You can also change the position of the sidebar (Sidebar) field as you can change the sticky (Sticky) position.
  • You can also add icons to the titles of these fields and make them foldable. Everything can be easily controlled from the style features. You can also create a different structure by choosing from 2 different visitor panels.
Elegant Dark 5 comes with several distinct Forum layouts (Node layout). You can differentiate the structure of your forum by selecting the desired layouts

a) Default,
b) Classic,
c) Dual column A,
d) Dual column B,
e) Dual column with image
  • It is also very easy to adjust the double-column image. Simply create a forum or edit your existing forums and just enter the image path that you sent to your server.
  • If you wish, you can set your forum columns as a single column by typing the identity number of the forums where you use double columns.
  • You can easily set your Forum categories to Collapsible.
  • You can put a small but noticeable icon or post on your forums showing new topics.
  • You can also see how many people are in that forum at that time.
  • In addition to this, with the fast topic launch buttons, there is the ability to create quick topics for each forum.
  • You can change the icons of your forums in a very simple way.
  • You can apply a hover effect with your mouse movement on your forums.
  • You can easily separate your fixed issues from other topics and you can offer a different view.
  • User info comes with three type for thread view;
    a) Standart,
    b) Horizontal
    c) First post horizontal
  • You can manage and customize your Message (Subject) fields as you wish. Font-awesome icons, avatar control, sticky avatar space, foldable user information, etc.
  • Footer can be customized completely without any coding. It has 6 selectable layouts. You can choose the desired feature or you can place your own custom formatting. It's completely up to you. :)
  • With Elegant Dark, all your social media links come with a manageable space. Here you can activate by giving relevant links which are using social media
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