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[OzzModz] Block Registrations With Spam Like Email Addresses

[OzzModz] Block Registrations With Spam Like Email Addresses 2.0.1

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The settings for the mod can be found under, [OzzModz] Block Registrations With Spam Like Email Addresses

The error message they see when they exceed the maximum dots is this:

"The administrator has blocked the email you have entered for containing to many special characters. Please try a different email address."

I would not suggest changing it and saying something like, " you entered to many dots " or some such as this will just tip the spammers off.

Complete Feature List

  • Option to disable the mod completely.
  • Option to set the maximum dots allowed. ( ala . ) I suggest no more than two dots allowed.
  • Option to set the maximum pluses allowed. ( ala + ) I suggest no more than 1 plus allowed.
  • Option to set the maximum hyphens allowed. ( ala - ) I suggest no more than 1 hyphen allowed.
  • Option to set the maximum underscores allowed. ( ala _ ) I suggest no more than 1 underscore allowed.
  • Option to set the maximum tildes allowed. ( ala ~ ) I suggest no more than one tilde allowed.
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